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@carstingaxion I’m afraid not. The list of available blocks displayed on WordPress.org plugin pages is pulled from the different block.json files that can be found in the plugin. Since you do not need any block.json file to create a block variation, you wouldn’t see anything on the WordPress.org plugin page.

4 réponses

  1. Avatar de Carsten Bach

    @jeremy @ipstenu I was expecting that, damn. Hmmm … not so nice. But thank you both for your answer!

    Are there any ideas on the road to not penalty #block-variations over #blocks?

    1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

      @carstingaxion @ipstenu I don’t see any ticket opened to discuss this on Trac yet. You could start a conversation there!

  2. Avatar de Carsten Bach

    @jeremy @ipstenu I thought about ways to better showing the implementation details of a plugin on .org just recently while I was working on GatherPress documentation.

    I’d love to see a list of all things a plugin registers. So basically a track of all calls to register_something(), may it be post types, meta data, settings or even block-variations. Everything that gets registered in WordPress is visualised on one page per plugin.

    Who’s in charge of the functionality for the repository?

    1. Avatar de Mika E.

      @carstingaxion @jeremy The Meta team (the rest of my info is out of date as I've been out of the loop for about a year).

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