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Do you know the Fediverse logo?

It’s a nice logo. It’s colorful, and it’s a good representation of the different nodes in the Fediverse. That said, its many colors and many lines also mean it doesn’t necessarily work well everywhere. Sometimes you need a small, monochrome logo. This logo’s monochrome version doesn’t work as well.

Enter, the asterism: ⁂ It’s simple, it’s a unicode symbol so available on all keyboards and scalable. It can be colored or not. I think it could make for a nice representation of the Fediverse!

Check the proposal here: fediverse symbol ⁂

Kudos to @FediverseSymbol for making this happen!

20 réponses

  1. Avatar de Fediverse Symbol ⁂

    @jeremy Thank you for your support!

  2. Avatar de Bit_form

    @jeremy @FediverseSymbol it works when it's needed, but would never considering it a replacement.

    The colors are important to signify diversity of ideas, communities, philosophies, and identities.

    Using a single, uniform shape flattens out symbolic difference. It looks homogenous, which is actually the opposite of what I think the fedi is trying to achieve.

    1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

      @Bit_form @FediverseSymbol

      You’re definitely right. I wouldn’t consider it a replacement either. The multicolored logo has its place. I just don’t think it works well in UI elements as an icon.

  3. Avatar de cormullion

    @jeremy At least an asterism is easier to draw with code 😀 https://cormullion.github.io/pages/2022-11-15-fediverse/

    1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

      @cormullion 😀 That’s some nice work you did there!

  4. Avatar de Hiker
  5. Avatar de VegOS

    @jeremy @FediverseSymbol What about to simplify the penta thing to a triangle? Three fat connected dots. Would also work in small size.

  6. @[email protected] @[email protected]

    No, it is not an alternative to the pentagram.
    the longer this is discussed, the more my aversion to the cogwheels grows.

    It may well be that it exists as a keyboard symbol, but it still says nothing except gears.

    And whether a monochrome Fediverse symbol “works” is more a stylistic question and therefore purely subjective.

    For me, the monochrome Fediverse symbol looks much better than the cogwheels.

    The fediverse doesn’t need rebranding because 90% of the time it never works that way.


    1. Avatar de Fediverse Symbol ⁂

      @crossgolf_rebel @jeremy The fediverse doesn’t need to be branded at all, that is why a symbol makes more sense than a logo.

      1. @[email protected] It doesn’t have to.
        So why change tack and introduce a new symbol that is even less familiar than the logo?

        just so that you have something as a keyboard symbol.
        That’s even nerdier than nerdy

        @[email protected]

    2. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

      @crossgolf_rebel @FediverseSymbol

      For me, the monochrome Fediverse symbol looks much better than the cogwheels.

      Your image isn’t monochrome though, it’s several shades of grey. All those shades help make the logo readable ; the lines between each node remain visible.
      If you were to use a monochrome version of the logo, you’d lose a lot of the meaning conveyed by the multi-colored logo.

      Make that monochrome logo small, say the size of an icon, and it becomes really hard to decypher. This is often why logos tend to be simpler than that, with less lines and no reliance on gradients.

      1. @[email protected] You’re right.
        But I only see cogwheels and no symbols, however explained on the website

        The fact that the logo doesn’t work in monochrome doesn’t make the gears any better

        @[email protected]

        1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

          @crossgolf_rebel @FediverseSymbol What Operating System are you using? The cogwheels may be how that specific symbol is displayed in your OS.

          1. @[email protected]
            i use Linux and i think, that this symbol is correct.

            My head only sees three cogwheels, no matter what explanation is given

            @[email protected]

            1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

              @crossgolf_rebel @FediverseSymbol Ah, I think I see what you mean. To me, the cogwheel will always be ⚙️ like in a watch, but I can see how those 3 little stars could be like cogs in a machine. In some OSes, they even almost touch each other!

              1. @[email protected] no matter how they are stylized, all i see are gears. Regardless of whether there are one, two or three.

                I have a practical background and work in the same way, which is probably where my associations come from

                I see something in the Fediverse symbol from Meta threads that I reject even more as a form and design

                @[email protected]

    3. Avatar de James Helferty

      @crossgolf_rebel @jeremy @FediverseSymbol A dissenting opinion about the existing logo being a good logo: it's the gnu image manipulation program branding discussion all over again. A pentagram precludes widespread adoption in education and corporate environments. It's even more apparent that it's a pentagram in black and white.

      That said, I don't like the cogs either.

  7. Avatar de 8Petros [2late 2die young]_

    @FediverseSymbol @jeremy Also, in certain places, a rainbow pentagram can be a bit misatributed. 😈

  8. Avatar de Velocipede Rider

    @jeremy @FediverseSymbol

    Asterism does not exist in a vacuum. It was not added to Unicode as a fun but undefined symbol so that it's use case could be found later.

    Asterisms are still used for purposes such as dinkus. Indeed I regularly use it for that myself.

    I do not think it is correct to attempt to repurpose an already used symbol.

    You want something that is part unicode? Fine, do it the hard (but correct) way like everyone else and submit a proposal.


    1. Avatar de Velocipede Rider

      @jeremy @FediverseSymbol Reusing a symbol that was meant for something else sows confusion and gives a vibe of my shiny new thing is more important than yours, so move out of the way.

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