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Quick question about Children’s literature!

Do you have any recommendations for novels or book series, for a 6 year old kid? I’m not looking for books they can read on their own though. I’m interested in books that I will read to her. I want to go beyond the simple bedtime stories that we’ve read until now.

Thank you!

9 réponses

  1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

    To give you some examples, we’re currently reading « The Hobbit », she has enjoyed The Dundoodle Mysteries by David O’Connell, and we’ve read a lot of Famous Five books. Both can be a bit frightening for her at times though, so I’d be looking for something maybe a tiny bit less frightening.

    1. Avatar de Binary Moon

      @jeremy my 8 year old says the how to train your dragon books are good. They're different to the films. Or the "Boy who grew dragons". He reads on his own but since he's a bit older they might be suitable for you to read together.

      1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

        @binarymoon Thank you, I’ll check those out. That’s quite a few books, too, so we’d have reading material for a little while! 🙂

  2. Avatar de Curtis McHale

    @jeremy my kids enjoyed Wings of Fire graphic novels. It had the benefit of them going back over the books once we'd read them and remembering the story again. They "read it" themselves many many times.

    1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

      @curtismchale Thank you! They seem to be available as both novels and graphic novels, so we may give the novels a try!

      1. Avatar de Curtis McHale

        @jeremy They were novels first so that series is further ahead.

  3. Avatar de Ross Wintle


    Lots of very serious stuff in here.

    We read a lot of Dog Man, InvestiGATORS and the 13 Storey Treehouse series. In the UK the Bunny vs Monkey series is very funny too. As is the Grimwood series.

    1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

      @ross I’ll check those out, thank you, InvestiGATORS sounds like it could be fun!

      I’m finding it harder to read graphic novels to her personally, so we end up reading novels and it can indeed be a bit more serious.

      I’ve struggled the most with the Famous Five books. They have not aged too well imo, some of the author’s views of the world are not really something I want to teach my kids these days. 🙂
      Oh, and I remember breaking down crying while reading her Lassie Come-Home, I had forgotten how emotional it could be. 🙂

      All this to say, some fun stuff is good from time to time! 🙂

      1. Avatar de Ross Wintle

        @jeremy Yeah. Every kid is different. One of our kids just loved all the illustrations. He’s a superb reader but just prefers words in smaller doses.

        And yeah. Some things have NOT aged well.

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