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As some of you may have picked up, I am now posting on the Fediverse from (yet another) new account. I plan on posting more and more from here, and less from my GoToSocial instance.

I obviously only have a few followers for now (hey everyone 👋), but I started boosting my own posts from my existing instance today. I didn’t expect much, but I was just reminded of how much you can get hammered with requests when sharing a new post to the Fediverse! This always blows me away.

My site is on his knees right now, because I shared a post with an image and a popular hashtag. It’s generating a crazy amount of traffic.

A graph of traffic logs on my site when sharing a post to the Fediverse. There is a very clear traffic spike when sharing a post.

I better stop writing! I’ll go install Jetpack Boost as well as a CloudFlare caching rule to cache all requests to embed endpoints!

If you want to know more, check this post by @donncha:

You might not be on Mastodon yet, but your blog could get a torrent of traffic from Mastodon, or other Fediverse network if it’s shared there.

If your website is mentioned there, it might be the “victim” of an inadvertent denial of service attack, as hundreds or thousands of servers request the URL in the 60 seconds or so afterwards.

The Mastodon Onslaught on your blog

4 réponses

  1. Avatar de Donncha Ó Caoimh

    @jeremy nice new domain! 🙂

    1. Avatar de Matthias Pfefferle

      @donncha @jeremy oh yes! really nice domain!
      I hope you will share your caching setup with us, when finished 🙂

      1. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

        It’s nothing too fancy, just Jetpack Boost with it’s new caching option, and a cache rule in my Cloudflare settings to cache all URLs starting with https://herve.bzh/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fherve.bzh%2F. It’s served me well on my main site until now.

        I could add more aggressive caching for the author archive page as well as the webfinger route. I’ll see if that’s necessary. I think Jetpack Boost should be good enough for the former. For the latter, I may add another cache rule in CloudFlare for it.

    2. Avatar de Jeremy Herve

      @donncha Thank you!

      I’ve had it for a while but only used it for emails until recently. As I continue to settle down here in Brittany, I figured I may as well start using the .bzh domain a bit more 🙂

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